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McCormick Lost Recipes


One Show - Merit - Online Film
Webby Award - Honoree
Shorties Award - Finalist - Video
Smell is the main sense that directly links emotion and memory. That's why certain flavors and aromas can evoke a memory of decades past, and why ou r food rituals at holiday time are so important to us. But for many families, their favorite holiday recipes from grandmothers and great aunts have gotten lost over time.

Can pure flavor make memories real? We set out to show families how the pure flavor of McCormick spices could help turn their memories into reality. Teaming up with New York chef Daniel Holzman we helped a daughter surprise her dad with trying to rediscover his real lost family recipe - his grandmother’s Julekake Holiday Bread.

Lost Recipes was the most successful Holiday campaign ever for McCormick. The Lost Recipes videos garnered a total of 8.5MM video views with record high view rate. On YouTube, the videos saw a view rate of 36%, well over the industry average of 17-25%.

Over 15K consumers reacted to our prompt of "Which lost family recipe do you wish you could find?," with over thousand of fan's personal stories on Facebook.

MVD 2024 (C)